
- Weird photograph.
- It's aIways been up there.

You can't keep the radio.
- Have you got one?
- I'm actuaIIy going to study...

Get yourseIf a radio!
- I'd better get myseIf a radio.
- Good.

Just one more thing...
There's nothing to be afraid of.
But it's a good thing to have.

Don't forget about the radio.
- Do you know your "Gretchen"?
- We have to Iearn it aII.

- Your director's an idiot.
- He's actuaIIy very sweet.

Why can't anyone be an idiot
in your IittIe worId?

Does that irritate you?
No. I wish the worId was Iike that.
If I say... KaIinka?
If I say, "I Iove you." Does that
sound Iike a bad American movie?

- It depends how you say it.
- I Iove you.

I Iove you.
I Iurve...
Why can't we say that anymore?
We've seen too many bad movies.
