Was there a trigger event,
trauma, shock?
y ou haven't shoWn him
the films you've made, have you?
The horror stuff?
His father just passed aWay.
I'm sorry.
But I'm convinced
those films can tip...
an unstable child over the edge.
Dylan's not unstable.
He's just upset.
We'll run a battery of tests
and knoW in a feW days.
Does he have to stay overnight?
Anything more happen
We need to knoW about?
Like What?
Sometimes What a child
says or fantasizes...
Will give a clue
to What ails him.
Did he say anything
While he Was still lucid?
What do We have here?
Too soon to knoW for sure.
The early symptoms point
to childhood schizophrenia.
Dylan, can you hear me?
Dylan, you have to fight it,
Whatever is after you...
and you got to come back to me.
y ou can't make it alone.
Do you hear?
If you can hear me, tell me
What you need to feel safe.
Rex? Is that What you Want?
Well, Rex is at home,
and that's Where you should be.
But you got to get better before
they'll let you come home.