What do We have here?
Too soon to knoW for sure.
The early symptoms point
to childhood schizophrenia.
Dylan, can you hear me?
Dylan, you have to fight it,
Whatever is after you...
and you got to come back to me.
y ou can't make it alone.
Do you hear?
If you can hear me, tell me
What you need to feel safe.
Rex? Is that What you Want?
Well, Rex is at home,
and that's Where you should be.
But you got to get better before
they'll let you come home.
Do you understand?
Home. Home, that's right.
That's Where I Want you,
And, you knoW,
We're not that far aWay.
Look right out there.
Past the freeWay is our home.
But to get there, you have to
come out from Where you are...
so that they'll let you
come home to Rex.
And to me.
Time for your medicine, coWboy.
- Here you go.
- What is that?
Something to help him sleep.
There you go. It looks good.
There you go.
Good. Good. Attaboy.
Come on,
lie doWn and take a little nap.
y ou should get some rest, too.