I will.
All right.
What is a term of art?
- I'm sorry?
- What is a term of art?
Is that what
you want to talk about?
To talk about?
Let's take the mysticism
out of it, shall we, Carol?
Don't you think?
I'll tell you.
When you have some thing
which must be broached...
Don't I think? Did I...
Did I say something wrong?
No. I'm sorry. No.
You're right.
I'm somewhat rushed, as you see.
I'm very sorry. You're right.
What is a term of art?
It seems to mean a term which
has come through its use...
to mean something more specific
than the words would...
to someone not acquainted
with them, indicate.
That, I believe, is what
a term of art would mean.
You don't know what it means.
I'm not sure
I know what it means.
It's one of those things
that you look them up...
or have someone
explain them to you...
you say "Aha," and
then you immediately forget.
You don't do that.
- Forget things?
- Yes.
- Everybody does that.
- No, they don't.
- They don't?
- No.
- Everybody does that.
- Why would they do that?
I don't know.
it doesn't interest them.
I think so, though.
I'm sorry
that I was distracted.
You don't
have to say that to me.
You paid me the compliment,
or the obeisance...
of coming in here.
All right.
Sit down, please.
Carol, I find
that I am at a standstill.
- I find...
- What?
One moment.
In regard to your...
You're buying a new house.
- No, let's get on with it.
- Get on?
Believe me, I know how
potentially humiliating these...
I have no desire
other than to help you.
But... I won't even say but.
I'll say, as I go back...
- I'm just trying...
- No. It will not do.
- What will not do?
- Your work.