What did they say?
Did you speakto the real estate...
Where is she?
Well, well.Where are her notes?
The notes we took with her.
I took the notes?
I don't think so.
No. We aren't goingto lose the house.
Look, I'm not minimizing it.
The easement?
Did she say easement?What did she say?
Is it a term of art?
Are we bound by it?
I'm sorry. Are we...
Yes. Bound by it.
Look. Look.
Before the other side goes home,all right?
A term of art.
Because. That's right.
The yard for the boy.That's the whole...
I'll meet you there.Is the realtor there?
Tell her to show youthe basement again.
Look at the...I'm leaving in 10 or 15.
Yes. No, no.I'll meet you at the new house.
That's a good...If he thinks it's necessary.
You tell Jerry to meet,all right?
No, we aren't going to losethe deposit, all right?
I'm sure it's going to be fine.
I love you, too.
I love you, too.