for I do not care
to posit orthodoxy...
as a given good...
But to the detriment
of my students.
As I said...
when the possibility
of tenure opened...
and, of course,
I had long pursued it...
I was, of course,
happy and covetous of it.
I asked myself
if I was wrong to covet it...
and thought about it long
and, I hope, truthfully...
and saw in myself
several things...
in, I think,
no particular order...
and I would like
to share them with you.
That I would pursue it...
that I desired it...
that I was not pure of longing
for security...
and that perhaps
was not reprehensible in me.
That I had duties
beyond the school...
and that my duty to my home,
for instance...
was, or should be
if it were not...
of an equal weight.
That tenure and security
and, yes, and comfort...
were not of themselves
to be scorned...
and were even worthy
of honorable pursuit.
And that it was given me...
here in this place
which I enjoy...
and in which I find comfort
to assure myself...
of, as far as it rests
in the material...
a continuation
of that comfort and joy.
In exchange for what?
Teaching... which I love.
What was the price
of this security?
To obtain tenure,
which tenure...
the committee is in the process
of granting me...
and on the basis of which...
I contracted
to purchase a house.
As you don't have
your own family at this point...