No. I know they do.
I know she does.
Tell her that I...
Can I call you back?
No. Then tell her
I think it's going to be fine.
Tell her just hold on, and I...
Can I get back to you?
Well, no, no, no.
We're taking the house.
No, no, no.
It's not a question
of refunding the deposit.
Yes, I know the committee
is about to meet.
I'm dealing with the complaint.
Yes, right now.
Which is why I...
Call Jerry.
And I can't talk now.
Fine. Good-bye.
I'm sorry
that we were interrupted.
- One moment.
- I was saying...
You said that we should agree
to talk about my complaint.
- That's correct.
- But we are talking about it.
That's correct, too.
This is the gist of education...
We're talking about it
at the tenure committee hearing.
Yes, but I'm saying...
We can talk about it
now as easily...
No. I think we should
stick to the process...
Wait a minute.
The conventional process,
as you said.
And you're right.
I'm sorry if I was...
If I was discourteous to you.
You're right.
- Wait a moment.
- I really should go.
Granted, I have an interest
in the status quo.
All right. Everybody does.
But what I'm saying
is that the committee...
Professor, you're right.
Just don't impinge on me.
- We'll take our differences...
- Look, you're going...
I shouldn't have come here.
They told me...
Wait one moment. No, no!
There are norms here.
And there's no reason...
I'm trying to save you...
You're trying to save me?
Do me the courtesy...
I am doing you the courtesy.
I'm talking straight to you.
We can settle this now.
- I want you to sit down.
- You must excuse me.
No, just sit down!