- To make me mad?
- That's right.
- To force you...
- To make me mad is your job?
To force you to...
Sit down.
When I was young,
somebody told me...
Are you ready?
The rich copulate
less often than the poor.
But when they do...
they take more of
their clothes off.
Years, mind you...
I would compare experiences
of my own to this dictum...
"Aha. This fits the norm."
Or "This is
a variation from it."
What did it mean? Nothing.
It was just some jerk thing
some school kid told me...
that took up room
inside my head.
Somebody told you...
and you hold it
as an article of faith...
that higher education
is an unassailable good.
This notion is so dear to you...
that when I question it,
you become angry.
Good, I say.
Are not those the very things
which we should question?
I say college education
since the war...
has become
so a matter of course...
and such
a fashionable necessity...
for those either of...
or aspiring to,
the new vast middle class...
that we espouse it
as a matter of right...
and have ceased to ask
what is it good for?
You see my point?
What might be some reasons for
the pursuit of higher education?
One... a love of learning.
Two... the wish for mastery
of a skill.
for economic betterment.