you may not know
what that means...
but to me,
it is very important...
a home, a good home,
to raise my family.
Now, the tenure committee
will meet.
This is the process...
and a good process,
under which...
the school has functioned
for quite a long time.
They will meet
and hear your complaint...
which you have
the right to make...
and they will dismiss it.
They will dismiss
your complaint...
and in
the intervening period...
I will lose my house.
I will not be able
to close on my house.
I will lose my deposit.
And the home I picked out
for my wife and son...
will go by the boards.
I see that I have angered you.
I understand
your anger with teachers.
I was angry with mine.
I felt hurt
and humiliated by them...
which is one of the reasons
I went into education.
What do you want of me?
I was hurt when
I received the report...
of the tenure committee.
I was shocked and I was hurt.
I don't mean to subject you
to my weak sensibilities.
All right.
Finally, I did not understand.
And then I thought...
is it not always
at those points...
at which we reckon
ourselves unassailable...
that we are most vulnerable?
Yes. All right.
You find me pedantic.
Yes, I am.
By nature, by birth,
by profession.
I don't know. I'm always
looking for a paradigm.
I don't know
what a paradigm is.
It's a model.
Then why can't you use
that word?
If it is important to you, yes.
I was looking for a model.
To continue,
I feel that one point...
One second!