of the poor and rich
are the central point.
"Moved to embrace said student."
That I used the phrase
"the white man's burden."
That I told you
how I'd asked you to my room...
because I "like you."
"He said he liked me,
that he liked being with me.
"He'd let me write
my examination paper over...
"if I could come back oftener
to see him in his office."
It's ludicrous.
Don't you know that?
It's not necessary.
It's going to humiliate you
and to cost me my house.
It's ludicrous?
"He told me he had problems
with his wife...
"and that he wanted
to take off...
"the artificial stricture
of teacher and student.
"He put his arms around..."
Do you deny it?
Can you deny it?
Don't you see?
You don't see, do you?
I don't see.
You think that you can deny
that these things happened...
or if they did...
that they meant
what you said they meant.
Don't you see?
You dragged me in here...
You drag us to listen to you
go on about this or that...
or we don't express
ourselves very well.
We don't say what we mean,
don't we?
We do say what we mean...
and you say
"I don't understand you" and...
Consult the report?
You see?
Do you see what I'm saying?
Can't you tell me
in your own words?
Those are my own words.
"He told me that if
I would stay alone with him...
"in his office, he would
change my grade to an "A."
What have I done to you?
Oh, my God!
Are you so hurt?
What I feel is irrelevant.
Do you know I tried to help you?
What I know I have reported.
I would like to help you now,
before this escalates.
I don't need your help.
I don't need anything
that you have.
- I feel...
- I don't care what you feel.
You can't do that anymore.
You do not have the power.
Did you misuse it?
Someone did.
Are you part of that group?
Yes, you are.
You've done these things.
And to say, "Excuse me."
And to say, "Let me help
you with your problem..."
Yes, I understand.