
I sit in class. I take notes.
Yes, I understand.
What I'm trying to tell you
is that some basic...

One moment. Some basic
missed communication...

I'm doing what I'm told.
I bought your book.

No, I'm sure you...
I'm doing what I'm told.
It's difficult for me.

- Lots of the language...
- Please.

The language...
The things that you say.

I'm sorry, no.
I don't think that that's true.

It is true. Why would I...
I'll tell you why.
You're an incredibly
bright girl.

No! You're
an incredibly bright girl.

You have no problem with...
No. I'II...

Who's kidding who here?
I'll tell you why.
I think you're angry.
- Why would I...
- Wait one moment.

It is true. I have problems.
I come from a different social,
a different economic...

- When I came to this school...
- Yes, quite.

Does that mean nothing?
Look, look...
Here, please. Sit down.

Sit down.
"I think that the ideas
contained in this work...

"express the author's feelings
in a way that he intended...

"based on his results."
What can that mean?
Do you see?

The best that I...
I'm saying that perhaps
this course...

No, no, no, you can't.
- How? Carol!
- I have to pass it.

- I have to pass this course.
- Well, either...

Either the criteria for
judging progress in the class...

No, no, no!
I have to pass it.

Now, look,
I'm a human being...

I did what you told me.
I did everything.
I read your book.

You told me to buy your book
and read it.

Everything you say, I do.
- Look.
- Everything I'm told.

I'm not your father.
Did I say you were my father?
