Tonight, 10:00 p.m. at the Pit,
Everyone Gets Laid.
- ****[Continues]
- [Shouting, Chattering]
- Yeah!
- [Shouting, Laughing]
It's the pre-frosh.
Hi. We were wondering
what happened to you. Where you going?
Uh, I'm...
I'm gonna go home.
You're leaving?
You... You've only been here,
like, 10 minutes.
I know, but I've already managed
to piss off the entire campus.
No offense, Katy,
but this place is a nightmare.
I'm probably just gonna
wind up at State.
[Sighs] Yeah, well, we're all gonna be
boring our butts off at State...
if I don't find, like,
a thousand people, pronto.
- What do you mean?
- We gotta raise seven G's by
tomorrow, or we lose the house.
- The Pit?
- Yeah.
Damage bill came in.
We're trying to pull off this
all-campus rage, and I gotta get people.
All I got are these
foreign exchange students.
- It's looking pretty grim.
- I can't believe this.
I mean, you're the only ones
that haven't tried to kill me
since I got here.
Yeah, but...
you're probably not gonna be
coming here anyway, so...
don't sweat it.
[Horn Honks]
Um, your ride's here.
It was nice knowing you.