No offense, Katy,
but this place is a nightmare.
I'm probably just gonna
wind up at State.
[Sighs] Yeah, well, we're all gonna be
boring our butts off at State...
if I don't find, like,
a thousand people, pronto.
- What do you mean?
- We gotta raise seven G's by
tomorrow, or we lose the house.
- The Pit?
- Yeah.
Damage bill came in.
We're trying to pull off this
all-campus rage, and I gotta get people.
All I got are these
foreign exchange students.
- It's looking pretty grim.
- I can't believe this.
I mean, you're the only ones
that haven't tried to kill me
since I got here.
Yeah, but...
you're probably not gonna be
coming here anyway, so...
don't sweat it.
[Horn Honks]
Um, your ride's here.
It was nice knowing you.
You said you needed
people, right?
Am I okay on that side?
No, no, no...
That's good.
- ****[Piano]
- [Guests Chattering]
Hey. Hey!
I'll take care of ape man.
You grab the bar.
Hey there, B.D.!
You're not supposed to be here.
Hey, that is one great tie.
Is that yours, or did you borrow it?
- It's mine.
- Really? That is amazing.