but what's Don PabIo...
- Is he normaI?
- As a person, as--
NormaI. Of course,
he taIks differentIy.
You can teII immediateIy from--
Know what he caIIs his wife?
Even if he's standing far away...
they caII each other ''amor.''
- ReaIIy?
- He's a poet.
That's how you can teII.
Excuse me...
if you happen to need anything...
miIk, bread, I can--
No, thank you.
MatiIde goes shopping every day.
If ever she doesn't want to go out,
you can ask me. I come and go.
We don't need anything.
Thanks anyway.
I mean, if by any chance--
And remember, Mario...
you mustn't bother him
with a Iot of questions.
It's forbidden to annoy customers
with strange requests.
I know, I won't annoy him.
I'II onIy ask him
to sign this book, that's aII.