Excuse me...
if you happen to need anything...
miIk, bread, I can--
No, thank you.
MatiIde goes shopping every day.
If ever she doesn't want to go out,
you can ask me. I come and go.
We don't need anything.
Thanks anyway.
I mean, if by any chance--
And remember, Mario...
you mustn't bother him
with a Iot of questions.
It's forbidden to annoy customers
with strange requests.
I know, I won't annoy him.
I'II onIy ask him
to sign this book, that's aII.
So when I get paid,
I'II go to NapIes...
and show aII the girIs...
that I'm a friend of Neruda,
the poet of Iove!
The poet of the peopIe!
Excuse me, couId you sign it?
PIease, couId you sign it?
WouId you make
it unique, maestro?
WouId you make
it unique, maestro?