Do you think he'd cross it out
because you don't Iike it...
and write you another?
Perhaps he did it on purpose
because you bothered him.
No, I asked him.
He was staring at the mountain.
- ExactIy, you see?
- No, I know the mountain...
but he was hoIding an onion.
So you think a poet can't think
when he's hoIding an onion, eh?
When am I supposed
to ask him then...
if I can't ask him
when he's peeIing an onion?
He's a busy man.
He can't be running after peopIe
to make them happy.
Yes, but he's a communist.
So what?
Didn't you say that
communists Iove the peopIe?
Mario, don't make me annoyed!
I bought a copy of the book.
When you have the chance...
with extreme tact...
ask him if he wouId sign it for me.
Sign it?
Take this one then.
''Regards, PabIo Neruda.''
No, this is yours.
He signed it for you.
- I'm happy to Iet you have it.
- No!