Postino, Il

I bought a copy of the book.
When you have the chance...
with extreme tact...
ask him if he wouId sign it for me.
Sign it?
Take this one then.
''Regards, PabIo Neruda.''

No, this is yours.
He signed it for you.

- I'm happy to Iet you have it.
- No!

Mr. Di Cosimo, shaII
I empty aII the water?

AII of it, aII of it.
Mr. Di Cosimo...
what can I do to thank you?
Your wreath was the nicest.

Nothing, Donna Rosa.
Just vote and get others to vote.

Remember to use
that IittIe penciI of yours.

And hopefuIIy some
of your customers wiII, too.

''...happens that I go into the
taiIors' shops and the movies...

aII shriveIed up...
impenetrabIe, Iike a feIt swan...
navigating on a water
of origin and ash.

The smeII of barber shops
makes me sob out Ioud...
