the above-mentioned objects.
The secretary... the secretary...
of PabIo Neruda.''
And for you?
Not a word, not a greeting,
and he Ieft over a year ago.
I toId you, the bird
that has eaten fIies away!
PeopIe are kind onIy
when you're usefuI to them.
Not again with that
''bird that has eaten.''
And usefuI for what?
What did I do for this person?
In fact, it was aIways me...
who wouId ask, ''Don PabIo,
wiII you check this metaphor?''
''Don PabIo,
wiII you read me a poem?''
I'm the one who bothered him.
And you say I was usefuI.
What did I do?
And yet he knew
I was no good as a poet.
He knew, you know?
But instead he treated me
Iike a friend.
Like a brother.
It's not true that you're no good.
And I'm not caIIing him PabIito.
What has the baby
got to do with it?
Why, do you think I'm a poet?
Am I a poet? Have I ever
written anything, any poems?
No, Mario, but--
Then ''No, Mario'' nothing.
Admit it.
Why shouId he remember me?