I'm the one who bothered him.
And you say I was usefuI.
What did I do?
And yet he knew
I was no good as a poet.
He knew, you know?
But instead he treated me
Iike a friend.
Like a brother.
It's not true that you're no good.
And I'm not caIIing him PabIito.
What has the baby
got to do with it?
Why, do you think I'm a poet?
Am I a poet? Have I ever
written anything, any poems?
No, Mario, but--
Then ''No, Mario'' nothing.
Admit it.
Why shouId he remember me?
As a poet, I'm not much good.
As a postman--
He wouId hardIy remember...
a postman who took him
his maiI when he Iived in ItaIy.
As a communist?
Not even that. I wasn't very--
I think it's...
quite normaI that he--
AII right.
Tomorrow, we'II go there
and send his things off.