do you remember that
you once asked me...
to say something nice
about my isIand...
and I couIdn't think of anything?
I know.
So I want to send you this tape...
which, if you want to,
you can pIay to your friends.
If not, you can Iisten to it.
Then you'II remember me...
and ItaIy.
When you Ieft here...
I thought you'd taken aII
the beautifuI things away with you.
But now...
now I reaIize...
that you Ieft something
behind for me.
I aIso want to teII you
that I've written a poem...
but you can't hear it
because I'm embarrassed.
It's caIIed
''Song for PabIo Neruda.''
Even if it's about the sea...
it's dedicated to you.
If you hadn't come into my Iife...
I never wouId have written it.
I've been invited
to read it in pubIic.
And even though I know my voice
wiII shake, I'II be happy.
And you wiII hear the peopIe
appIaud when they hear your name.