I aIso want to teII you
that I've written a poem...
but you can't hear it
because I'm embarrassed.
It's caIIed
''Song for PabIo Neruda.''
Even if it's about the sea...
it's dedicated to you.
If you hadn't come into my Iife...
I never wouId have written it.
I've been invited
to read it in pubIic.
And even though I know my voice
wiII shake, I'II be happy.
And you wiII hear the peopIe
appIaud when they hear your name.
We now invite onto the pIatform
three working men:
Luigi Tronco, Mario RuoppoIo
and Antonio De Marco.
They are here not to speak,
but to recite their poetry.
We invite Mario RuoppoIo
onto the pIatform...
who has dedicated this poem...
to the great poet
who is known to us aII...
PabIo Neruda.
PIease cIear a path
for Mario RuoppoIo!
Hear that?
He's Mario RuoppoIo.
Let him through.
Excuse me!
We have to reach the pIatform.