[ Chattering ]
Gonna rock all night
Just wait and see
[ Man ]
Ricky, Ricky, Ricky !
[ Ed Sullivan lmpersonator ]
Let's hear it for Ricky Nelson !
- Fantastic job, Rick.
Thank you very much.
- Vincent !
[ Sullivan ] Just to let you
all know, Ricky will be back
in the second half of our show,
so we hope you enjoy your meals
here at Jackrabbit Slim's.
Thank you.
Call for...
- Phil-lip Mor-ris.
- What do you think ?
I think it's like
a wax museum with a pulse.
Hi, I'm Buddy.
What can I get you ?
[ "Lonesome Town" ]
Let's see, steak, steak, steak. Oh,
yeah, I'll have the Douglas Sirk steak.
- I'll have that.
- How do you want that cooked ?
- Burned to a crisp or bloody as hell ?
- Bloody as hell, and--
Oh, yeah, look at this--
vanilla Coke.
What about you, Peggy Sue ?
I'll have the...
Durward Kirby burger, bloody.
And... a five-dollar shake.
How do you want that shake,
Martin and Lewis, or Amos 'n Andy ?
- Martin and Lewis.
- Did you just order
a five-dollar shake ?
That's a shake ?
That's milk and ice cream ?
- Last I heard.
- That's five dollars ? You don't
put bourbon in it or nothin' ?
- No.
- Just checking.
I'll be right back
with your drinks.
[ Jukebox ]
To Lonesome Town
To cry my troubles away
Could you, um...
roll me one of those, cowboy ?
You can have this one, cowgirl.
- Thanks.
- [ Ignites Lighter ]