Pulp Fiction

- You were talking about drug
shit on a cellular phone !
- Lance, help me.

- You crashed your car
into my fucking house !
- Grab her feet.

Are you deaf ? You are not bringing
this fucked-up bitch into my house !

This "fucked-up bitch"
is Marsellus Wallace's wife.

- Do you know who Marsellus Wallace is ?
- Yeah.

If she croaks on me,
I am a fucking grease spot !

I will be forced to tell him
that you did not help and
let her die on your lawn.

Now, come on. Help me, help me.
Pick her up.

- Shit.
- [ Grunts ]

Lance !
It's 1:30 in the goddamn morning.
What the fuck's going on out here ?
Who's she ?
Go to the fridge and get the thing
with the adrenalin shot.

- What's wrong with her ?
- She's O.D.ing !

- Get her outta here !
- [ Together ] Get the shot !

- Fuck you ! Fuck you too !
- What a fuckin' bitch.

Just keep talking to her,
all right ?

She's gettin' the shot. I'm going
to go get my little black medical book.

What the fuck you need
a medical book for ?

I've never had to give
an adrenalin shot before !

I don't go joy-poppin'
with bubble-gummers !
My friends can handle their highs !

- Get the shot !
- I am, if you'll let me !

- I ain't stopping you !
- Stop talking to me.
Start talking to her !

- Get the shot !
- All right !

- [ Vincent ]
Hurry up. We're losing her !
- I'm looking as fast as I can !

[ Jody ]
What's he looking for ?

- [ Vincent ]
I don't know. Some book.
- What are you looking for ?

- A little black medical book.
- What are you looking for ?

My little black medical book ! It's
like a textbook they give to nurses.

- I never saw no medical book.
- Trust me. I have one.

- If it's so important,
why don't you keep it with the shot ?
- I don't know !

- Stop bothering me !
- While you're looking, that girl's
gonna die on our carpet.

You're never gonna find
anything in this mess !

- I'm gonna fucking kill you
if you don't shut up !
- Lance, get in here !

- Right ? Pig.
- Get the fuck outta my way.

- Quit fuckin' around
and give her the shot.
- While I'm doing this,

you take off her shirt
and find her heart.
