Rapa Nui

What news?
You gave them the plan?
- Yes. They loved the idea.
- Wonderful.

Here's a good man.
They have plenty of food
and... whatever?

- They're all taken care of.
- Good.

The clouds are fast
For this time of year.
Did I tell you? I lost three more
teeth. You think

- It means anything?
- You never know.

I think it does. I really do.
He's this close to

Sending for us. If we can just...
...get one of these right.
Matua Tane,
I need to ask you something.
I was thinking,
After the Birdman competition...
...I thought, I'd like to get married.
Of course! Good! Who's the girl?
She's... Short Ear.
She's Short Ear
Put me down!
Are you acting like your father?
Do you want to provoke the gods as he did?
I give you
A chance to make up for his sin,
and you act just like him!

I'm not like him.
Then what is this talk?
A Short Ear

You want me not to swim for you?
The bones say you must.
No one else can atone for
your father's sin.

That's why the White Canoe
Has not been sent.
Nineteen springs,
nineteen winners...

What else could it be?
