And they wonder why
those of us in our twenties...
refuse to work
an 80-hour week...
just so we can afford
to buy their BMWs...
why we aren't interested...
in the counterculture
that they invented...
as if we did not see them
disembowel their revolution...
for a pair
of running shoes.
But the question remains...
what are we going to do now?
How can we repair all the damage
we inherited?
Fellow graduates,
the answer is simple.
The answer is...
The answer is...
I don't know.
Good save, Lelaina.
I'm not a valedictorian,
but I play one on TV.
We all know you slept your way
to the podium.
My favorite part about
graduating now would be...
dodging my student-loan officer
for the rest of my life.
He will be in cahoots...
with the Columbia
Record and Tape Company guy...
who's been after my ass
for years.
Troy Dyer, I brought you back
a souvenir.
You know, you can still go back
next year and graduate...
still get your BF.A.
Oh, can I? And then I can hang
this on my rearview mirror...
to brag to all my good buddies
back home that I graduated.
Well, I through
with the whole life drama.