How about this?
It's cute, but it's a little baggy,
don't you think?
- How about this gray one? It's smaller.
- I think the orange works.
- Cool.
- Do I have time to make a call?
I promised my roommate one last chance
to talk me out of this.
- Sure. Phone's over there.
- Great. Thanks. What about this?
- I'll take that into
the locker room for you.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
- She's gorgeous but cheap.
- What's that?
- Your new student. She's stingy.
I offered to tape her jump,
special introductory price: $59.95.
She played me like a video game.
Maybe you could talk her into it.
I got something else in mind.
- It's 12:30 now.
- Uh-huh?
We do the jump,
grab a Coke afterwards,
talk about our bonding experience
on the way down.
Leave her a message
around 5:00, 5:30--
- "Hey, what's up? It's me, Ditch."
- Right. Dinner.
- Yady-yady-yada.
- Yady-yady-yada.
Her place. Kick the stuffed animals
off the bed by 9:45.
- I'm home by 11:30.
- In time to watch Leno.
- Yep. What do you think?
- I say go for it.
I'm all over it.
Up you go.
- [ Beeping ]
- Dirt alert.
- Huh?
- You only hear this for eight seconds.
- And then what?
- Splat.
Scattered clouds.
You wanna go upstairs?
six grand, huh?
- Just find us some good air.
- Roger.