Up you go.
- [ Beeping ]
- Dirt alert.
- Huh?
- You only hear this for eight seconds.
- And then what?
- Splat.
Scattered clouds.
You wanna go upstairs?
six grand, huh?
- Just find us some good air.
- Roger.
Still got a few minutes.
Just relax.
[ Chuckles ]
Between your legs?
- Best seat in the house.
- Why do you pretend that
that's what you're about?
What makes you think
I'm pretending?
Because I'd be stupid to trust
my life with a walking penis.
- [ Choked Laugh ]
- And I'm not stupid.
I'm much more than a walking penis.
I'm a flying penis.
Y es, you are.
Remember: hard arch
into the wind.
Now, your chute opens automatically,
but look up and check it.
Be sure that it's opened. If it hasn't,
cut away. Use your reserve.
I'm over here.