Terminal Velocity

So you're sayin' that,
that you and, and,

and Lex and Pinkwater and
Blondie are all Russian spies?

I'm saying we were.
We've been laid off!

K.G.B. Iaid off.
Auto workers get laid off!

I tell ya, one day this bitch
is gonna run out of lives.

[ Chris ]
Where'd you learn that?

Moscow. I was gonna
go there once.

You have excellent

- How do you say "ass"?
- Zhopa.

Well, no smoke up
my zhopa, please.

So, when was this?

Ancient history.
'80 Olympics.

- Well, America boycotted that year.
- Y eah, rub my nose in it.

- You were on the team?
- Gymnastics.

Trained for ten years.
Qualified in two events.

All I wanted was a shot
at that Russian gold.

Look at the haircut.
- Here.
- No, keep it. I got more.

You were young then. God.
Sixteen. Seventeen. Why
didn't you try again in '84?

I probably should've.
I wasn't about to let my teeth
get kicked in like that again.

[ Helicopter Approaching ]
It's them!
