So, when was this?
Ancient history.
'80 Olympics.
- Well, America boycotted that year.
- Y eah, rub my nose in it.
- You were on the team?
- Gymnastics.
Trained for ten years.
Qualified in two events.
All I wanted was a shot
at that Russian gold.
Look at the haircut.
- Here.
- No, keep it. I got more.
You were young then. God.
Sixteen. Seventeen. Why
didn't you try again in '84?
I probably should've.
I wasn't about to let my teeth
get kicked in like that again.
[ Helicopter Approaching ]
It's them!
[ Ditch ] This makes a lot of sense.
Iight a fire when we're being chased.
[ Chris ] Don't worry. I know them.
They never backtrack.
Right. Russian Mafia.