Goddamn creatures of the night,
they never learn.
Hey! Hey!
- [ Cawing ]
- [ Screams ]
"Suddenly I heard
a tapping, as if someone...
gently rapping,
rapping at my chamber door."
What are you talking about?
You heard me rapping, right?
You're trespassing,
and you owe me a fucking new door!
I'm looking for something
in an engagement ring.
You're looking for a coroner,
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit on me!
Shit on me.
Shit on me!
- Aaah!
- Mr. Gideon.
You're not paying attention.
No! [ Screaming ]
I repeat, a gold
engagement ring, yes?
It was pawned here a year ago
by a customer of yours named Tin Tin.
He confided in me
before he ran out of breath.
[ Helicopter Departing ]
Who's this sack of shit?
That's Tin Tin, one of
T-bird's little helpers.
I think you can rule out
accidental death.
Don't any of your street demons
have real grown-up names?
This could be a turf hit, but it doesn't
look like your usual gang crap.
Come on, Albrecht, spare me.
You're a beat cop now, so be a beat cop.
I'm suppose to thank you
for that, right?
Word to the wise:
Watch your fucking mouth.
What the hell
do you call that?
I call it blood, detective.