You're not paying attention.
No! [ Screaming ]
I repeat, a gold
engagement ring, yes?
It was pawned here a year ago
by a customer of yours named Tin Tin.
He confided in me
before he ran out of breath.
[ Helicopter Departing ]
Who's this sack of shit?
That's Tin Tin, one of
T-bird's little helpers.
I think you can rule out
accidental death.
Don't any of your street demons
have real grown-up names?
This could be a turf hit, but it doesn't
look like your usual gang crap.
Come on, Albrecht, spare me.
You're a beat cop now, so be a beat cop.
I'm suppose to thank you
for that, right?
Word to the wise:
Watch your fucking mouth.
What the hell
do you call that?
I call it blood, detective.
I suppose you'll write it up
as graffiti.
You can leave
my crime scene now, okay?
[ Helicopter Approaching ]
- Warmer?
- What are you doing?
- Don't you know this game?
- What game?
Okay, the rings!
I'll tell you about the rings!
They're in that metal box!
It's under the shelf there!
Take the fucking rings!
Choke on them, you son of a bitch!
- Look, it goes to the attic.
- Okay.
No, no.
No, no, no.
Oh, it's beautiful.
I don't believe it.