WeII, where are
you getting married?
What am I gonna teII them?
Oh, God, there'II be an
aImighty row, I know it.
And I'II get aII the bIame.
Viv wants it this way --
no fuss.
Look, Tom. . .
There's onIy one ruIe
in our famiIy --
sort of unspoken
kind of thing.
You have to be kind to Vivie.
I wiII be, Maurice.
That I promise you.
No, no, I mean
especially kind.
this-side-up kind of thing.
You see, the --
the thing is,
you -- you grow up trying not
to notice certain things --
the scenes,
the cIosed doors, the --
[ Sighs ]
Oh, a famiIy of mutes.
But M um's aIways said
it's not Vivie's fauIt,
not her fauIt at aII,
and that's right --
she's right, you know.
I don't think I foIIow.
WeII, Iisten, Tom,
man to man. . .
there isn't anything beastIy
between you and Viv,
is there?
Nothing in the. . .
in the medicaI way.
I think I can reassure you
on that point, Maurice.
I'm perfectIy heaIthy.
[ Horn honks ]
WeII, perhaps
it's aII right, then.
I'm sure it is.
[ Horn honks ]
[ Engine revs ]
M AUR ICE : Poor Tom.