So, to be precise,
you have $ 2 a week,
you intend to share an attic
with the most hated man
in London,
and you might be giving
a few Iectures
on French
percussion instruments.
I n the meantime,
the whoIe of Europe
is at war with the kaiser.
Nothing couId make me
feeI more secure.
[ CIears throat ]
How was the wedding?
Of course,
Eastbourne's proudest boast
is that you won't find
one shop window on the front.
It reminded me
of Forest Park in St. Louis.
Oh, did it reaIIy?
Was the weather kind?
Very bracing.
Had you a sunny room?
HardIy had time inside
to find out.
[ Laughing ] Oh, pIease.
''Dear M rs. Haigh-Wood,
''thank you for your check to
cover the damage to room 86.
this whoIe episode,
''I may say that M r. EIiot
behaved with considerabIe
forbearance. ''
Before Vivienne rushed you
headIong into this,
did she teII you anything?
Nothing at aII?
I reaIIy am
rather proud of you.
I don't condone anything,
but, aII in aII, I feeI
you've behaved very weII.
And you are discreet --
I sense that.
Yes, I think
you're going to make
a wonderfuI
member of the famiIy.