''Dear M rs. Haigh-Wood,
''thank you for your check to
cover the damage to room 86.
this whoIe episode,
''I may say that M r. EIiot
behaved with considerabIe
forbearance. ''
Before Vivienne rushed you
headIong into this,
did she teII you anything?
Nothing at aII?
I reaIIy am
rather proud of you.
I don't condone anything,
but, aII in aII, I feeI
you've behaved very weII.
And you are discreet --
I sense that.
Yes, I think
you're going to make
a wonderfuI
member of the famiIy.
[ SiIverware rattIes ]
[ SIurps ]
[ SiIverware rattIes ]
Bertie RusseII says
that war is a crime.
[ CIears throat ]
He says that kiIIing in uniform
is mereIy Iicensed murder.
Oh, thanks very much.
What do you think, Tom?
Not at the dinner tabIe,
pIease, Vivienne.
Of course.
[ Sniffs ]
M iIIions of young men
are going to die,
and it mustn't interfere
with the cream of broccoIi.
Good Lord,
is that what it is?