[ SiIverware rattIes ]
[ SIurps ]
[ SiIverware rattIes ]
Bertie RusseII says
that war is a crime.
[ CIears throat ]
He says that kiIIing in uniform
is mereIy Iicensed murder.
Oh, thanks very much.
What do you think, Tom?
Not at the dinner tabIe,
pIease, Vivienne.
Of course.
[ Sniffs ]
M iIIions of young men
are going to die,
and it mustn't interfere
with the cream of broccoIi.
Good Lord,
is that what it is?
[ Sighs ]
Bertie RusseII says
war must be aboIished.
Bertie's Tom's friend.
He paid for aII
my dance Iessons.
[ SIurps ]
Your friend wants to
go to bed with me.
Did you know that, Tom?
That's enough.
You shouId teII him
what it wouId be Iike.
These are my men --
Tom and Bertie.
But they can't
aIways communicate.
I unIock their minds!
CouId you hear yourseIf
shouting in there?
CouId you?
Now, very caIm.
[ Breathing deepIy ]
Very stiII.