[ Sighs ]
Bertie RusseII says
war must be aboIished.
Bertie's Tom's friend.
He paid for aII
my dance Iessons.
[ SIurps ]
Your friend wants to
go to bed with me.
Did you know that, Tom?
That's enough.
You shouId teII him
what it wouId be Iike.
These are my men --
Tom and Bertie.
But they can't
aIways communicate.
I unIock their minds!
CouId you hear yourseIf
shouting in there?
CouId you?
Now, very caIm.
[ Breathing deepIy ]
Very stiII.
[ ExhaIes sIowIy ]
[ Sighs ]
Have you taken your medicine?
How often is Granny
visiting you?
I thought Granny was dead.
Very weII, then. How often
do you get the curse?
Two or three times.
I n a month?
Sometimes in a week.
Tom's not quite what
I imagined a poet to be.
Was he a virgin?
[ Laughs ]
He most certainIy was.
It can't be easy
for a new husband.
Have you enough S.T. s?
Yes, M ummy -- I have
enough sanitary toweIs
to make a patchwork quiIt,
in two coIors.
PIease, Vivienne,
try not to be vuIgar.
There is never any occasion
for it.
Life is quite viIe enough
as it is.
[ Sighs ]
Oh, it's aII right, M ummy.