ALL: Ah-ha-ha!
[ M usic fading ]
ALL: Ah-ha-ha!
[ M usic continues softIy ]
[ Groans ]
[ Breathing heaviIy ]
I never know. . .
when it's going to strike.
It's overwork,
as the doctor says.
[ Continues
breathing heaviIy ]
[ Sighs ]
You know, you think you write
best when you get sick.
So you make yourseIf sick.
You know you do.
And you can't expect to teach
and give Iectures
and write book reviews
and articIes
and write your poems. . .
[ Smooches ]
and not get sick, Tom.
Poetry's a mug's game.
[ Sighs ]
[ CIicking ]
Without a shadow of a doubt.