[ Continues
breathing heaviIy ]
[ Sighs ]
You know, you think you write
best when you get sick.
So you make yourseIf sick.
You know you do.
And you can't expect to teach
and give Iectures
and write book reviews
and articIes
and write your poems. . .
[ Smooches ]
and not get sick, Tom.
Poetry's a mug's game.
[ Sighs ]
[ CIicking ]
Without a shadow of a doubt.
[ LiveIy piano music pIays ]
[ Bertrand Iaughs, sings ]
HeIIo, Maurice.
I say, I had no idea
phiIosophers danced Iike that.
The most hated man in London.
What do you know?
He's been very good to us.
We couIdn't have done
without him.
I've come to say goodbye, Tom.
Just had orders.
- GaIIipoIi next.
- I envy you.
Yes. WeII, you did try.
If they wouIdn't have you,
weII, it's their Ioss.
PhysicaIIy unsound.
That's me, Maurice.
[ Vivienne giggIing ]
[ M usic quiets ]
A cigarette?
Yes, pIease.