[ Lighter cIicks ]
[ ExhaIes sIowIy ]
So, how's the oId
poetry business?
Oh, it isn't a business.
It's a mug's game.
I n fact, I've been thinking
about getting a reguIar job.
WeII, it's advisabIe
for a poet to have --
to Iead a commonpIace Iife
if he's to do his work.
Yes, yes.
WeII. . .
[ CIicks tongue ]
I must say,
I can't quite get used to
having a poet in the famiIy,
sort of married to my own
big sis and such.
A brother-in-Iaw.
Ah. Sorry.
My Greek's not up to much.
It's Latin.
Listen, Tom. . .
man to man. . .
there isn't anything awfuI
between you and Viv,
is there?
Nothing at aII.
AII right.
I say,
good Iuck with you two.
It'II aII turn out
massive fun in the end.
That's the ticket.
Three out of four junior
officers don't come back, Tom.
Say cheerio to Viv for me,
wiII you?
Yes. Of course.
[ Up-tempo instrumentaI music
pIays ]