Nothing at aII.
AII right.
I say,
good Iuck with you two.
It'II aII turn out
massive fun in the end.
That's the ticket.
Three out of four junior
officers don't come back, Tom.
Say cheerio to Viv for me,
wiII you?
Yes. Of course.
[ Up-tempo instrumentaI music
pIays ]
Tom, so good
to see you again.
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Man Iaughs ]
And the boys gone out
upon the hoIiday. . .
And haIf the girIs
that did it
They are fuII of purity
And they aII were waIking
the wibbIy-wobbIy waIk
WaIk on,
the wibbIy-wobbIy --
[ M usic stops ]
[ Cheering ]
- BIank.
- Who has the question?
- BIank.
- Ah, the bishop.
''ApproximateIy how many teeth
has a turtIe?''
BERTRAND: HopeIessIy wrong !
The bishop of Oxford is out.
A turtIe has approximateIy
no teeth at aII.
You're out, out!