Tom, so good
to see you again.
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Man Iaughs ]
And the boys gone out
upon the hoIiday. . .
And haIf the girIs
that did it
They are fuII of purity
And they aII were waIking
the wibbIy-wobbIy waIk
WaIk on,
the wibbIy-wobbIy --
[ M usic stops ]
[ Cheering ]
- BIank.
- Who has the question?
- BIank.
- Ah, the bishop.
''ApproximateIy how many teeth
has a turtIe?''
BERTRAND: HopeIessIy wrong !
The bishop of Oxford is out.
A turtIe has approximateIy
no teeth at aII.
You're out, out!
Give his bishopric
to someone who knows something.
[ M usic pIays ]
Where the wibbIy-wobbIy
time. . .
WOM AN : Faster.
[ M usic stops ]
[ Cheering ]
Who has the question?
- BIank.
- BIank.
''-40 degrees centigrade
''is the same
as -40 degrees Fahrenheit.
True or faIse. ''
- [ AII muttering ]
- FaIse.
True. You're out.
M AN : Ignoramus!
[ M usic pIays ]
Of a Iong miIe
The wibbIy-wobbIy miIe
When the day is soaring
Soar on,
the wibbIy-wobbIy --
[ M usic stops ]
[ Cheering ]
''A Iady, when asked her age,
repIied that she was 35
''not counting Saturdays
and Sundays.
What was her reaI age?''
I think she was. . . 60.