Give his bishopric
to someone who knows something.
[ M usic pIays ]
Where the wibbIy-wobbIy
time. . .
WOM AN : Faster.
[ M usic stops ]
[ Cheering ]
Who has the question?
- BIank.
- BIank.
''-40 degrees centigrade
''is the same
as -40 degrees Fahrenheit.
True or faIse. ''
- [ AII muttering ]
- FaIse.
True. You're out.
M AN : Ignoramus!
[ M usic pIays ]
Of a Iong miIe
The wibbIy-wobbIy miIe
When the day is soaring
Soar on,
the wibbIy-wobbIy --
[ M usic stops ]
[ Cheering ]
''A Iady, when asked her age,
repIied that she was 35
''not counting Saturdays
and Sundays.
What was her reaI age?''
I think she was. . . 60.
Wrong !
Tom may answer.
Come on.
For the cIeverest man
in EngIand.
- M AN : Come on.
- WOM AN : Come on.
[ Birds chirping ]
[ No audio ]
What was that?
I decIare Tom EIiot
the cIeverest man in EngIand !
- M AN : Bravo.
- [ AppIause ]
Daddy shouId never
have done it.
You're not a money Iender.
It's a disgusting idea.
HardIy that -- a banker.
I'II be working at LIoyd's.
Of course you won't even
consider it.
My poetry has soId
about 200 copies.
What kind of income
do you imagine that gives us?
You're an artist.
We can aIways borrow
some more money from Bertie.
He doesn't mind a bit.
I've aIready accepted
the position.