Wrong !
Tom may answer.
Come on.
For the cIeverest man
in EngIand.
- M AN : Come on.
- WOM AN : Come on.
[ Birds chirping ]
[ No audio ]
What was that?
I decIare Tom EIiot
the cIeverest man in EngIand !
- M AN : Bravo.
- [ AppIause ]
Daddy shouId never
have done it.
You're not a money Iender.
It's a disgusting idea.
HardIy that -- a banker.
I'II be working at LIoyd's.
Of course you won't even
consider it.
My poetry has soId
about 200 copies.
What kind of income
do you imagine that gives us?
You're an artist.
We can aIways borrow
some more money from Bertie.
He doesn't mind a bit.
I've aIready accepted
the position.
Your father has been
immenseIy kind.
Can't you see
what they're doing to you?
They want to bury you.
They want to drag you down.
I have no idea who you are
taIking about.
How can you work
when you are Iocked in some
dungeon of a bank aII day?
I shaII work at the bank
in the day and write at night.
Nothing couId be more
But what can I do?
What use can I be if you're away
aII day? How can I heIp?
You do heIp. . .
aII the time. . .
with everything.
WeII. . .
Bertie has offered to take me
to the seaside.
What do you think about that?
WeII, you know I can't come.
Of course not.
What couId I expect?
I mportant affairs
at the bank, I suppose.