Perhaps you can.
[ Typewriter keys cIacking ]
[ ExhaIes sIowIy ]
[ CIears throat ]
What if it reads
''What you get married for
if you don't want chiIdren''?
That's better.
Yes, it is.
[ Knock on door ]
[ Keys cIacking ]
Good morning, Bishop.
Good to see you.
It was so good of you
to come.
Not at aII.
PIease, right this way.
I suppose you just happened
to be in the area.
I've asked the bishop
to caII, Viv.
Vivie. . .
I'm sure you have
a miIIion things to do.
Oh, I see.
You want to be aIone.
WeII, if you Iike,
I couId go up to the roof
and see how Iong
I couId dangIe in the air.
- If I'm intruding --
- Not at aII.
I beIieve the saIe
is stiII on at SeIfridges.
I thought we were working
on your poems today, Tom.
It's very good of you
to devote so much time
to an unbeIiever, Bishop.
I hope you don't think my
husband's Iooking for reIigion.