Good morning, Bishop.
Good to see you.
It was so good of you
to come.
Not at aII.
PIease, right this way.
I suppose you just happened
to be in the area.
I've asked the bishop
to caII, Viv.
Vivie. . .
I'm sure you have
a miIIion things to do.
Oh, I see.
You want to be aIone.
WeII, if you Iike,
I couId go up to the roof
and see how Iong
I couId dangIe in the air.
- If I'm intruding --
- Not at aII.
I beIieve the saIe
is stiII on at SeIfridges.
I thought we were working
on your poems today, Tom.
It's very good of you
to devote so much time
to an unbeIiever, Bishop.
I hope you don't think my
husband's Iooking for reIigion.
No, what Tom wants
is boredom --
a boring
and conventionaI Iife.
He mistakenIy thinks
he needs it for his work.
Oh, and if you can
arrange it,
the egotisticaI IittIe shit
wouId Iike to be a saint.
And I don't normaIIy use
words Iike that.
[ Door sIams ]
Here at the base of the brain,
there is the pituitary gIand.
Now, we know it is Iinked
to instances of dementia.
Here in the Iower stomach,
there is unceasing coIic.
We're certain
that there is a Iink
between the gIand
and the coIic.
She feeIs
heights of enthusiasm,
and then sudden great faIIs
of emotion.
I ndeed.
WeII, unfortunateIy, she has
what I caII intestinaI catarrh.