Trois couleurs: Rouge

Good day.
Since then, she's been alone.
I asked my brother
to go see her.

He stayed three days.
In one week
I'm going to England.

I'm abandoning my mother
and my brother.

Every day he gets a little worse.
I shouldn't leave.
Leave. It's your destiny.
You can't live your brother's life
for him.
I love him.
If only I could help.
You can.
What do you mean?
That's all: be.
Do you like flying?
Then take the ferry.
I've never taken one.
It's less expensive and healthier.
That's a good idea.
Do you like it?
Today is my birthday.
I didn't know.
35 years ago today,
at about the same time, 5 o'clock,

I acquitted a man. A sailor.
One of my first big cases.
It was a tough time in my life.

I have since realized
I made a mistake.

He was guilty.
I'm all out of bulbs.
