- Any idea how this happened?
- None.
- Do you ever sleepwalk?
- Not that I know of.
It sounds like you took a walk
in your sleep and fell down.
There's some lacerations back here.
Nothing bleeds like the scalp.
I'll have you in
for an EEG and a CAT scan.
- You'll have to be in overnight.
- Impossible.
You could have a concussion.
No one feels this good
with a concussion.
So good to see you again
so soon. sir.
It's nice to see you too, Will.
Robert Keyes, my counsel.
- Counselor, nice to meet you.
- Sit down. Will.
You're deliberately goading
some of our top writers -
- to become part of some
totally improbable scheme.
And being writers,
they're too damn stupid to know it.