I'll have you in
for an EEG and a CAT scan.
- You'll have to be in overnight.
- Impossible.
You could have a concussion.
No one feels this good
with a concussion.
So good to see you again
so soon. sir.
It's nice to see you too, Will.
Robert Keyes, my counsel.
- Counselor, nice to meet you.
- Sit down. Will.
You're deliberately goading
some of our top writers -
- to become part of some
totally improbable scheme.
And being writers,
they're too damn stupid to know it.
They might not succeed,
but it won't hurt them to try.
And if they fail, any publisher
will be glad to get them.
It doesn't matter if we start a new
publishing house or go to another.
At least seven top writers
are going to leave MacLeish House.
My press release in the morning will
see this firm's reputation collapse.
- You're worse than Stewart.
- Yes.
But I have two big drawbacks:
Taste and individuality.
Maybe I can overlook them.