No, don't hit me.
You're never here.
You're never home, you
little son of a bitch.
You little son of a bitch.
You hang out with those bad kids.
One day I know you'll end up in jail.
and no one will sympathise.
This is a letter from your teacher.
Read it. Read it!
Other children..
come home to do their
homework after school.
But you?
It's dark and you're still not home!
What's going on, huh?!
Why don't you..
be exactly like your father..
and never come home?
Get out, go!
You're free.
Go visit the police whenever.
Why don't you just
move directly to jail?!
I'm an educated women..
with a proper upbringing.
but I've been a "dependent"..
since your dad joined the army.
Is that all I deserve? Me?
I'm so furious... I'd like
to burn down the house.
I can see your father
in you and you in him.
Peas out of the same rotten pod you are.
If you were a chicken,