Yangguang Canlan de Rizi

You're free.
Go visit the police whenever.
Why don't you just
move directly to jail?!

I'm an educated women..
with a proper upbringing.
but I've been a "dependent"..
since your dad joined the army.
Is that all I deserve? Me?
I'm so furious... I'd like
to burn down the house.

I can see your father
in you and you in him.

Peas out of the same rotten pod you are.
If you were a chicken,
I wouldn't even eat your meat.
I hate you that much.
You hate me too, don't you...
When have you ever done
anything to make me proud?

You disappoint me.
I regret ever having had you.
You bastard.
I never hit or cursed anyone..
before your father and you came along.
Turtle spawn!
Get out of here!... Oh!... Aaah!
In a fit of anger, my mother
gave birth to my brother.

My mates look her to the army hostital..
on the back of a bicycle cart.
